There are numerous challenges faced by the insurance market for managing large amounts of producer information, producer licenses, state based appointments, and contracts, along with compensation. Some of the major challenges are: comprehensive information capture and data accuracy during producer onboarding, completion of Appointments within the stipulated state timelines, accurate commission calculation for producer sales, and maintaining information for appropriate resolution of producer queries. Along with being rigidly manual in a typical onboarding process, privacy and information protection have been identified as key issues of the insurance industry.
How it works
The PSS aims at bringing sophistication and integration of each module in the producer lifecycle:
Producer On boarding
Producer On boarding module assists the carriers in designing their own end to end custom workflow from recruitment to producer set up, appointment as well as contracting with minimal technical assistance.
The PSS Contracts automate the capture of the products to be sold by a producer, the commissions that the producer would receive for the sales, and the payees who would receive the commission splits.
Licensing and Appointments
The PSS integrates with third party systems to interface with NIPR and retrieve License and Continuing education information from the State. The PSS also facilitates straight through processing from onboarding to the appointment of a producer. We also provide a configurable admin console to handle the state rules for License and Appointment renewals.
Producer Portal
PSS producer portal is a single-stop, web based portal that streamlines producer's self service capabilities. The solution includes new business, license and appointment request initiations, and personalized profile management improving the ease of doing business with the carrier. The portal provides a web based holistic view of commission statements of the logged in producer, ensuring the accuracy of commission and bonus payout data.
Compensation Management
Compensation Management comprises of two sub-modules, the Designer and the Runtime. The Designer allows the Home Office users to design their own rate and chargeback matrices and box them into a Compensation Plan. The Runtime performs automated commission calculations, generation of commission statements, and dissemination of the information to the external systems, all in a single shot without any user intervention, as configured.
Other Key Features
- Workflow driven business operations
- Rich look and feel UI
- Complete, automated and configurable Requirements Management for any business operation
- Excellent graphical hierarchy tree structure display of the relationship hierarchies
- Supports different types of hierarchy structures such as reporting hierarchy, compensation hierarchy, etc.
- Flexible, Rules-based Hierarchy Designer to design as many hierarchies as required
- Flexible Rules based Compensation module to handle complex rules of Producer Commissions and Bonus calculations
- Ease of metadata configuration without any technical assistance
- Bulk upload of producer data enables hassle free creation of producers under a relationship
- Complete 360 degree view of a producer's profile that includes demographic information, license information, contract information, appointment information, affiliation associations, requirements history, etc.
- Audit feature provides both business level and field level information
- Moves and mergers, one of the most complicated modules of producer management, can be performed with ease in the PSS. The PSS supports move and merger at all levels of a relationship's hierarchy. The commission impacts of moves and mergers are also accounted by the PSS thereby capturing all impacts of a move or a merger comprehensively
- SOA based architecture
- The technology supports for critical capabilities like Authentication, Authorizations, Encryption, Transport Level security, Certificates for Identity and Trust Management.
The PSS interfaces with key vendors to provide or retrieve information. Some of the key interfaces are:
- Third party interface to NIPR: The PSS interfaces with third party systems such as Sircon for Licensing and Appointments
- BIG: For background investigation of a producer, the PSS interfaces with systems such as BIG that provide instant results of a producer's history
- DTCC: PSS interfaces with DTCC primarily for money settlement between the carrier and the relationships
- Policy Admin: The PSS interfaces with the policy admin system to validate a sale and also for paying commissions
- EApp: Our Producer Portal interacts with the Eapp system to allow seamless submission of a case
- Forms generation systems: The PSS interfaces with the forms generation systems to generate forms for contracting a producer and also for generation of reports
- Emailing: Through our home built integration hub (iHub), the PSS interfaces with any configured exchange server to send emails. Emails are completely configurable in the PSS. A user can set up email templates and trigger points such as contract completion, successful appointment by a state, etc.