DIgital assistant/chatbots
Insurance forms the foundation of healthcare in the United States. Insurance in healthcare, like most insurance, is not static. As such, it can be split into three separate categories – getting started with health insurance, viewing membership details, and queries related to care.
Most customers looking for a product do not wish to traverse mountains of material in order to find the specific information they are looking for. They desire a human connection. Through the power of artificial intelligence and natural language processing, healthcare insurance automation can help with finding information on products, enquiries on coverage, and quotes on tailored plans all the while allowing the customer to talk to the program/chat-bot as if they are interacting with a human sales associate.

customer enquiries
Combined with GeniEbix predictive analytics and Machine learning solutions, Smart digital assistants go beyotnd more commonly used chatbots that are typically deployed to handle basic customer enquires. With information that provide insights about the customer’s likelihood of being interested in a product enable and our in-depth understanding of what Agents and Customers are looking for, enable our solutions to engage customers with meaningful interactions that help Agents maximize their potential with their leads.

- Does my policy cover for XYZ medication?
- What is the maximum limit for XYZ treatment?
- I need to help with paying premium.
- I want to increase my Life Insurance coverage
- I need to update my address
- I want to add a dependent to my policy.